International People Culture Week 2024
A week of special events to spotlight the pioneering work of People and Culture teams around the world
IPCW 2024
The first ever International People and Culture Week was held between 1-7 May 2024.
This inaugural week celebrated the amazing work of People and Culture/HR teams who share a commitment to purpose driven, values-based, and people-centred workplaces. It provided resources and events to enable established and emerging People and Culture (P&C) teams to celebrate their success.
Fireside Chats - Join us Live!
The International People and Culture Week featured 4 Live Fireside Chats in the first week of May 2024. The sessions were held online and broadcast Live on YouTube and LinkedIn. The series was held in collaboration with industry experts and trailblazers on a range of topics including the success stories and challenges of the working relationships between C-suite leaders, HRM and P&C teams at organisations.
PR for HR
Storytelling is essential to document the evolution of HR into People and Culture. How do we shine light on the bright spots who are transforming workplaces across the globe? How can early movers shine the light on those who following them in changing working culture? This and more… on May 1, at 13.00 BST.
Is the future of HR - People and Culture?
There is a sense of fear and anxiety that the HR function is slowly losing relevance among the leadership of major organisations, globally. With HR managers and directors being made redundant on a regular basis, and education institutions paying less attention to HRM courses, what does the future look like? This and more… on May 2, 13.00 BST
Transforming Work - Trends, Topics and Trailblazers
We have met some amazing professionals – mediators, psychologists, restorative justice facilitators, lawyers, managers, educators, policymakers, c-suite leaders, authors, innovators, and more – from across the globe who are leading the change and transforming working culture in their own special way. This and more on May 3, 10am BST.